Yes you heard me... We're discussing...
I've been pondering so much on whether i should blog about this topic! SEX!
Because it would involve me and my Man..LOL
But you know what,
I've said this time and time again, I decided to start this blog and i want it to be HONEST and insightful and i want to help new young or old Mummies as much as i can as i embark on this Pregnancy Journey
And i want to take all my readers on my Journey too as i discover new things about me, my body and being pregnant!
As you all know by now,if you've been reading up on my other Blogs!
I don't have a Mother.. Or Rather I do have a mother but she isn't present anymore!
She didn't die or anything.. LOL! But she's currently unavailable to be a Mother.. I mean be My Mother... I'd like to think of her as a... Passing Spirit!
SO! Anyway, moving on, I don't have her to ask Grueling questions like
Is it safe? Will i hurt baby? Will i give baby a headache? Can the bag she's in BURST? Are all Sex positions safe? Can we do it fast? Or does it have to be slow? Is there a time when we have to stop?
So as you can see.. I had a lot of questions!
But i do have tons of aunties! But no matter what, its an awkward topic to talk about and so i decided i'd just have to EXPERIMENT! And find out for myself!
So here's how we experimented!
In the first trimester, I had 2 WEEKS of morning sickness and SEX was the last thing on my mind!
My brain wanted to have SEX but my body screamed otherwise!LOL!
But after that phase was over, I was GOOD TO GO! I was ready and wanted some
Oh yeah...
Sex was still okay to do because my belly wasn't big so getting into "POSITIONS" was easy peasy..
I could still move around and bend in ways...LOL
I've done some homework online and also by asking ladies around me... about their experiences..
Some women go through times where they don't want to have sex.. They suddenly lose interest in having SEX mainly because of the crazy Hormones and also Morning Sickness that may last all throughout pregnancy! That must be really terrible...
I'm just thankful i didn't get any of that.. :)
I mean.. Poor husbands...They kinda have to go through all this as us Preggos are...
On to my Second Trimester, We've seen pictures of her now and how fast she's growing, and how much of a baby she's looking as compared to my first trimester when in the ultrasound pictures, baby looked tiny and hadn't taken the form of a baby!
So in our heads, We started becoming weary! We were both suddenly hit even more that there is a "Living Tiny Human" in me! Not that we didn't know... But it became more EVIDENT!
You'll get what i mean when your pregnant and have reached that stage!
So now, Sex was getting a bit different.. By that i mean, we started becoming absolute RETARDS!
We were so scared of having sex in a "Faster Motion" fearing that it may give baby a SEVERE HEADACHE or baby may think " WTF IS GOING ON?" and get scared! HAHAHAHA!
So for awhile, We were... let's just say... "TAKING IT SLOW" LOL!
But not for long!
I downloaded a baby app that gives you daily advices which is really helpful especially for New Mums To Be! And came across one of the advices... It said that Having sex whether Slow or Fast is like a Rocking Motion for the baby! And don't be alarmed if baby gets quiet after doing it! It's normal!
It's really good and safe to keep having sex right until delivery!
So when i saw that! I told Gabriel! And so... Woop Woop! Things could resume to usual! LOL
The other thing that i had realized in the second trimester, was that Sex was very very much "FULLER" now! It was "FULL" before!
But now with baby in there and the placenta! Sex was starting to feel "FULL"
i don't know how else to put it or phrase it but i'm sure you know what i mean!
Yes you heard me! I'm going to talk about that! YIKES!
It's so much easier to get an ORGASM now at this stage! Oh YEAH........................
CRAZY RIGHT?? But i researched more into this because i wanted to find out why was that so!
And apparently... The female Organs down there become extra sensitive thanks to the increased circulation of blood and fluids through the body! Meaning you'll find it much easier to climax and orgasms may even last significantly longer than usual!
Multiple Orgasms Coming Up! LOL
Another fun fact!
For those who typically don't climax during intercourse, you may for the first time during Pregnancy!
FYI: Orgasms are good for you and Baby!
So Imma Be Doin It & Taking Advantage Of This Right Up To The Day I Deliver!
Let's move on to Third Trimester... Now things were starting to get a bit tricky... My belly has grown to a decent size and is starting to get real heavy! She officially starts putting on all that baby fat every week giving the appearance of a chunky baby!
Which also means severe backache!! Oh boy, Back breaking backache! And sore Ankles!
So getting into positions now are much harder and slower... HAHAHAHA!
You'll want to be as comfortable as possible! Trust me ladies!
and get comfortable! HAHAHAHHAHA!
Im going to be completely honest... you'll want to do able to do things you wish you could! You'll try but it'll fail!
Below are just some "SEX POSITIONS" that are safe in my experiences!
You gotta do whatever best works for you honey!!
So keep trying and playing around until you find the best!
On top of your men
You'll last 5 minutes tops! Your legs will hurt! Your belly will be too heavy to be doing the up and down motion! You'll get off eventually!
Straddling your men in sit down position
Perfect for first and second trimester! A little bit challenging in the third trimester depending how big your belly is.. it may get in the way... But generally its pretty comfortable!
Doggy style
First and second trimester Doggy style is great! Third trimester however, it's still okay but because of that nagging shooting pain on the back! You'll last 5 minutes tops!
Doing the 69
Well, thats completely up to you and your comfort level! HAHAHHA!
Standing facing each other
This is fun so long you have the strength to hold your entire body weight on one leg!
But it can get pretty tiring especially the ankles! Lasting time... I would say 3 minutes tops! But its worth it!
Spooning facing away
Now this position is super comfortable for your back and everything because it takes pressure off every part of your body!
Spooning facing each other
Same thing!! SUPER comfortable! You just have to find the right fit like a Jigsaw puzzle and your good to go!
Blow job
Blow away my darlings! HAHAHAHA! Give your men a treat! You may get slightly breathless as well... so keep that in mind!
Him on top
Thats heaven! He does all the work while you enjoy seeing his glorious arms and torso as he does all the work and we benefit.... Greatly!
Of course there are many many more positions that I haven't mentioned only because its ImPOSSIBLE right now to get into them! Like I said.. put aside the Kamasutra and acrobatics Sex! For now.. at least... And feel free to continue on after baby is born! I know I can't wait!! Hahahahaha!
So these are just my opinions and my findings and my experiences on Sex during Pregnancy! Everyone is different! So just understand what your body wants and needs and can handle! Talk through everything with your Husband because that is really crucial! It really is ladies!
Don't leave the poor man hanging... You don't want him running the other direction now do you?
Why give him space to CHEAT or Drift away... "Oh i'm not getting any at home... So imma F*** around!"
I talk and discuss everything Sexually Related to Gabriel.. it's really important to be open and honest during this time! What works for you.. and What works for him! You don't want to be quiet and not discuss these things because it could lead to permanent damage in the relationship! Sexually i mean!
Complete STOP in having SEX! Because when you decide to stop... Starting again can be tricky and usually never happens!
Im sure you don't just want a baby and job done! Focus on BABY BABY BABY! NO time for playtime anymore! Eventually baby grows, becomes a kid, then a pain in the ass Teen (I HATE MY PARENTS PHASE) then a young adult, then an adult, they get married and move away!
And then your left with each other!
Gabriel and I have always said this,
You are my first,Followed by baby,Then parents,Then Amma(Our Grandmother) & lastly The rest of the KK Family...
It has always been that way! And will always be that way!
Even in sex, We always discuss that! Not just during pregnancy but way before...
Be it in person.... During playtime... Or in a Text! A Magical Text! HAHAHAHA!
We know exactly what we like, what we want, what we need, and we love experimenting, keepin it fresh!
I am in no means a "SEX-PERT"!!!!
I'm just sharing and spreading love to my other MAMA's out there
I hope this has helped anyone out there who are having any doubts!
Sing with me now!
Spreading Love From Me To You... <3
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