Wednesday, 22 January 2014

How we are still so in love after 11 years

Hey loves!  

On today's blog post.. I'm going to share with you how Gabriel and myself have kept our flame alive after 11 years of being together.. 
After getting married.. After having a little baby..

This is a more personal post.. And I'm no expert.. And I'm not claiming that I am perfect or our marriage is perfect.. And I'm not bragging either.. But I guess Gabriel and I are prefect for each other! So that's why it just works between us! 

Moving on, we are almost at our 11 years mark of being together! 

We have known each other all our lives but never really looked at each other in that way! 11  years ago.. We got together.. And let's just say alcohol did all the talking! And one thing led to another and we hooked up! Lol and have been hooking up ever since! 

It's so strange, every time I'm with him and near him I still miss him! We can be cuddling and we always feel it's not close enough! We'd always tell each other "I miss you although your right by my side"! It's like we wanna swallow each other up! Are there people out there like that? Is that even normal? Well it's normal for us! We really do love like there's no tomorrow! I believe that life can be taken away from you in a blink.. You won't know if your going to see that person again, feel that person, talk and touch that person.. You never know! 
So with that always at the back of my head, I love unconditionally! 

We never bring our arguments over to the next day!

 It will be settled right there and then! And it's over! Or else no ones sleeping until it is! Never go to bed and sleep separately and wait for the fight to blow over! Settle it and move on! Pull each other's hair! Yell..! Do it all but make sure it's settled,kiss and makeup! 
You never know if that was your last moment with him.. Don't live to regret! Is that how you want to remember your last moments with your man!? Not me! 

We always tell each other everyday how much we mean to each other! Simple things like I love you! I miss you! Your so handsome! You look hot! Can't believe your all mine! And loads more! 
We send Cheeky messages every other day too! Always a winner! And super fun! 
Teasing is the best! Always works! It really keeps our relationship going.. And we've been doing that for 11 years now.. 

We compliment each other a lot.. Over the years, couples forget to give compliments to one another. Every girl wants to feel special especially when they've got on a cute ass outfit! And so do guys too! I love it when he notices me,notice i've tried something different with my hair, makeup and outfit! Its always good to be noticed! And the same applies for him! When i see that he has put in effort in dressing up and trying something different, i always tell him how H.O.T Hot he looks!

We communicate everyday.. I always have a ton of things to share with him and vise versa! We can talk and talk and talk not knowing it's 3am in the morning.. And the communication didn't end after marriage or after the birth of our baby girl!  And it will never end! We communicate our feelings, our likes, our dislikes! Everything under the sun! He is my best friend! And we talk like best buds! Only difference is we are friends with a ton of benefits! Hahaha! 

Before tying the knot and having a baby.. We discussed everything! How we want our wedding to be.. How we want to raise our children. Build a life, etc! 
And believe it or not.. We had the exact same views and ideas which was awesome! It was so easy.. It always is easy with him.. 

We used to fight over the silliest things! Stupid kid like fights. Yelling and screaming and punching things! Way back in the past! I'm talking.. 8 years ago! That's because I was a teen and so childish and immature! But even after all those fights! Nothing tore us apart! 

Now.. We hardly ever argue.. HARDLY! 
We've grown so much and fights just ain't our thing anymore. 

Even after 11 years, we desire each other very much! Lol! I love every part of him! We feel it's important to make sure that both are always in good shape! Well groomed all the time! I don't get people who marry and then not long after.. They look like crap! Like train wrecks! Fat and sloppy! Unattractive! Sorry.. But I'm just being brutally honest! If you both don't look good? Then you start looking else where! Don't be lazy people! Stop stereotyping married couples and marriage! Clean up! Shape up! Look hot for each other so that you'll always have the hots for each other and not for other people! Till today.. I find Gabriel hot as hell! In fact, as the years go by, I find him more and more attractive! You know what they say.. The older the wine... The better.. Haha! 

Even after having Bayli.. My beautiful baby girl.. 

I quickly whip my ass into shape! I was determined to lose all the pregnancy weight! And I'm well on my way! 5 kilos to go and BAM! I'm good as new! Hahaha! I wasnt going to let my body go and neglect my body.. Because I respect it too much! I worked my butt off to get my desired figure pre pregnancy shape and I wasn't going to let all that hard work go to waste! I wanted to feel sexy and look sexy for my man! Our main" LOVE LANGUAGE" is definitely physical! We are very physically attracted to each other! Hehehe! Which isn't bad at all! Lol! 
So we always make it a point to exercise and groom ourselves! 
Basically I don't believe in letting myself go! That's just a pathetic excuse for your laziness! Sorry! Harsh! 

Another thing that we still do to this very day! Is look at each other.. Over the years.. Married couples don't look at each other anymore.. Speaking from experience around my family.. ! And just generally from observing couples at shopping centres, dining areas and wherever! They just STOP looking at each other.. Why? Why? Why? And it gets worse after a baby comes! Why? 
Now that we have a baby, we look at her.. Of course.. We stare at her..But we still look at each other and steal cheeky glances when we can! Like little teenagers! 

We also cuddle and hug! We just have random moments where we just embrace each other.. It's weird.. But we like it and we do it very often! We can be talking and we would just hug each other and talk while hugging! I love it! 

We dance around the room which sounds lame but it really isnt! Im not saying like Busting Out Moves Step up style! 

LOL! If you know Gabriel, you'd know he's not much of a dancer! But we would just... Sway?? There's always music playing in our room and when a song comes on, and reminds us of a particular time.. we just hold each other and dance..i mean SWAY! LOL! And its Magical!

The other thing is that we welcome and send each other off properly.. Our good byes are important and not sloppy! Hate stupid little crappy good byes! Might as well not say anything and just leave! Annoying! And our hellos are important too! I hate tired boring hellos! Who wants to come home and see a sulky shit face? Smiling is key! Kissing is key! Hugging is key! Even when either one of us has had a bad day.. We never show it in our hellos!! Never! What men wants to come home to a grump? No men! 

Even now that baby is here.. And I'm tired, I still don't want him to see me all crazy! Hair all over the place! Covered in sour milk! Smelling of poop! Tired helpless looking me! All men would run the opposite direction! And dread coming home! So if this is you.. Damn.. Change girl! Before your man heads home with another chick! Who maybe perhaps smiles? 

Having Bayli hasn't changed us.. We agree on everything with regards to her.. I think because we discussed about everything relating to baby we have actually never argued about any of that! We are just so one with each other! 
So alike that it's perfect.. In my opinion. 
We are just easy parents. New parents.. Yes! But things don't bother us as much! 

We have also said that we will never fight over matters with the baby! Why should we? Don't see a need! We compromise over everything! No ego.. It gets you no where! You'll just end up fighting over stupid little things! And soon.. You'll both be apart and separated and then divorced! Don't make baby the center of your world! We don't believe in that! Don't get me wrong! She is everything to us! We adore her! We love her but we'll never let issues with her ruin what we both have! 

Getting married doesn't mean it's over.. Job done! We're married! It doesn't warrant you to stop doing all the things you used to do! If that's your mindset on marriage.. I strongly feel that marriage isn't for you and if you are married, then you shouldn't be! 

We still go on date nights! We research romantic places to visit! We celebrate special occasions! He still buys me flowers! He surprises me! We buy each other gifts all the time! We don't need an occasion to buy each other nice things! He pays for dinner for everything! Hahahahahaha! Sometimes I do.. I'm only bringing that up because I have no idea why some couples after marriage.. Especially.. All dates are split! Shared! Half half! You pay I pay half! It really annoys me! You men need a slap! I'm not saying that men should pay for everything.. I'm just saying that majority of the time.. The men should pay! You paid all the time when you guys were dating right? Why stop after marriage? Because you "got the girl"?! "Tied her down"? She ain't running no where?! That's bloody rubbish! 
Marriage doesn't give you the right to power off and be a bum! It's doesn't mean it's set in stone! Divorce still exist! Don't forget that! 

For us, we simply go by this saying.. My money is your money.. Your money is my money.. who spends more who doesn't.. Doesn't matter! Life is much easier that way! Don't you think?!

Oh and we love giving each other massages!!! He isnt very good at it! OOps sorry love.. but you know its true..nevertheless, he tries..! 
We love getting into "Wrestling" mode! HAHAHA! We would just irritate each other and start wrestling! Its really funny and usually someone gets hurt! But its all good!

I know a lot of you are probably like "oh you've only been together for 11 years" "wait till your together for 25 years" "oh i've been married for 25,30,35 years
I honestly don't care... YES you've been married for so long but how many of those years were Happy and real honest Love? How many of those years did you really give a shit about each other? I know of couples who are struggling to keep their marriage alive! I know of couples who have completely let themselves go! I know of couples who started out wonderful and when baby arrived, problems and fights surfaced! People just get really nasty for some apparent reason..and thats really sad..

First they get all excited about dating,then they get excited about getting married, then they get excited about how they've become HUSBAND AND WIFE! For a few weeks, they'll be blabbering about it... BLA BLA BLA...then it all stops! WHY? Why cant you keep it going? Because its so easy to forget and just give up! Go all the way! Do it all the way! Then you have my respect!
Then they get excited about being pregnant! Baby is born, excited! Then... DOOMSDAY! Say good riddance to being nice to each other! Then they forget how to be husband and wife! How to be in LOVE! Its so annoying honestly to see people like that!

All i can say is that my 11 years with gabriel has been FANTASTIC! And it gets better every single day! Now with Bayli in the picture! We have never been HAPPIER! She has brought us Luck and Joy! We are over the moon happy to have a complete little family! 
Now with our house well on the way, We are so excited to build our little home together! 
We are very blessed...

Till next time...
Spreading Love From Me To You... <3 

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