Morning Sickness... can get really intense! It was probably the main reasons i was so scared of pregnancy! I've heard a ton of scary horrible things about morning sickness!
How it lasts for some"ALL DAY" and All throughout pregnancy!
Can you imagine? Being sick and throwing up every single day for 40 Weeks?
Thats insane!
But lucky lucky me!
My morning sickness lasted for 2 weeks! YES! 2 weeks and i was done and back on my feet!
It was so strange and funny though.. Before all the confusion about whether i was pregnant or not! I didn't feel sick and my appetite was fine! But just after finding out...and confirming the pregnancy...
It hit me! Morning Sickness finally creeped up on me!
Like Pink Panther!
Dang it!
I was sick! Food looked gross! Food tasted yucky! Food smelt really bad!
I didn't feel like talking... I could go hours without saying a word!
I Zoned out completely from conversations!
All i wanted was...
To sleep and sleep and sleep and NOT open my eyes and NOT move and NOT talk!
That's what i wanted!
And so... I............... did ..............just ..................that!
2 Weeks straight i was useless!
I wasn't myself...
I started thinking...
Why would anyone want to be pregnant? Why would anyone want to have 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.10 KIDS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!???
Morning sickness ruins you! Your lucky if you never experience it! SO lucky!
I wanted to know when will i get better... how long would mine last? Like all my aunties... THROUGHOUT???
I'd die... I really would...
But i must say.. If it wasn't for my AUNTY/MOTHER IN LAW... I would not have survived this!
She made it so easy for me.. My job was to sit up from bed, i didn't even have to get up.. just sit up and
EAT what i could and DRINK what i could
and lie back down...
I only got up to Pee! Thats pretty much what i was required to do!
Which was..
I'd get awesome much needed rub downs too!
So for that, I am forever grateful to her! She has made my pregnancy journey truly amazing and smooth sailing... Gotta <3 Her!!
I didn't have the kind of Sickness that involved CRAZY PUKING! Mine was more contained! I did puke but only 3 times! 3 Times! So PHEW!
But the throbbing head and Queeeezy Tummy was bad enough..
One tip that really helped me was..
The smell of lemons really helped me and also.. when i felt like i was going to throw up..
I'd cut it in half..and just sink my teeth into it and everything goes away!!
Works like magic!
So everyone is different.. Some women never get morning sickness, some get "all day sickness" and some sickness lasts a long time! You just have to do what works for you best and get as much help as you need... until you feel OKAY