Thursday, 27 June 2013

My Initial Phase of being Pregnant

It wasn't all smooth sailing at the very beginning of my pregnancy!

EPISODE 1: Well it started with an Emergency Visit to KTPH A&E department!
Yup! That's right.. 
 I suffer from Acute Chronic Gastritis.. that flares up anytime it wishes too.. been battling it for about 5 years now!! 
This is the creature that loves and adores me and never seems to wanna leave me! AAAWWWW!
Cool Huh?

Meet my dear Friend....Helicobacter Pylori!

And being pregnant only heightened everything!
The Doctors couldn't do much because i was about 6 weeks pregnant then...
Options are extremely limited when your expecting..
I used to get my normal double dose of MORPHINE! Oh yeah! But not this time.. Damn It!
Instead i was given antacid and some pill.. all of which i know aint gonna cut it for my Bugs in my stomach! After about 3 hours... the pain grew worst! I wanted to die. The stabbing was unbearable!
The doctor came to check up on me and i told him i need something stronger.
He told me he could give me one dose of Morphine since all other treatments weren't effective! And it shouldn't affect the baby!! Then why didn't he bloody hell just give that to me from the start?? Stupid! 

I was in heaven after that!!

 And i was finally Discharged after about 4 to 5 Hours!
Phew! Thank god! 

EPISODE 2: Another medical scare about a week after that!
It was pretty late in the night, i was just heading to the bathroom like every other day to pee!
When i stood up from the toilet seat... 
Oh my god!! There was Blood!!
And a lot of it...
I was super freaked out and didn't know what to do! All i knew was any sign of Blood during pregnancy isn't a good sign at all! 
I came out of the toilet.. and i remembered calling out very slowly and softly to gabriel almost in SHOCK!

I remembered telling him "Im Bleeding" ALOT...
The look on his face frightened me further!His jaw dropped to the ground... He stood there Frozen looking at the blood in disbelief! 
I started crying.... I was so upset

We didn't know what to do.. So he started goggling possible reasons as to why i was bleeding! 
 Some were very alarming like Miscarriage! And some were not so scary!
So we were super confused! We called our aunty and asked her for medical advice cause she is a nurse.  She told us to observe the bleeding first and if it didn't stop to head to KKH immediately.

Then we went up to Gabriel's mother room and told her what was going on... She was so worried.. I was so worried.. Gabriel was so worried! We were all WORRIED!

Morning came... and when i woke... I was still BLEEDING 

So KKH here we come!! 
When we arrived, we waited and waited... SURPRISE SURPRISE!! WAITING GAME!!
About 2 hours later..
They called us... Moment of truth! YIKES!
She told me to lie down on the table and then she examined me!

It was so loud and so clear and so strong!
Thank you baby Jesus!
That was the first time we both heard the baby's heartbeat!


It was the best feeling EVER! 
We felt so much LOVE for our tiny little baby we havent even seen or held!

Will be posting Morning Sickness,Baby's Growth and Gender Reveal Soon!

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