Wednesday 10 July 2013

Normal Delivery VS C Section

What About Normal Delivery?

What About C Section Delivery?
On Today's Blogpost..
Lets talk about both of them!

I have started to research so much on Normal Delivery and C Section Delivery..
I have never looked or explored into C Section or a possibility of having it until recently finding out Baby is Breeched!
Nothing to worry yet but it got me thinking..I may have a C section? I never thought it would even be an option for me! I dont really know anything about it.. and so.. I jumped on my Laptop and visited my Trusty Friend..

You Can Never Go Wrong with Google!

I have gone on Youtube and watched Normal Vaginal Delivery a couple of times!
To kind of prepare myself and brace myself for what to expect!
It doesn't get any easier to watch! Trust Me!

And believe me when i say.. It wasn't a pleasant sight..!
It's Beautiful and all.. dont get me wrong.. But Boy is it..


I had to share with someone what i had just seen! I Choose the one and only..My Gabriel.. My Husband! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!
You should have seen the look on his face when i said
"You dont have to see me pushing baby "down there" when it happens!
You have to watch this Video of another lady doing it!"

After a lot of Persuasion and Convincing by me "Oh its not that bad" "TRUST ME" LOL!
He fell for it.. and Agreed! 

But Let me tell you.. He was TERRIFIED!

He hid behind his hands and pillow and SCREAMED!
"No no no! What the F***! Why is the Doctor Cutting??What the F*** is that?
By "That" He means the Placenta that followed after baby was born!
He thought the Placenta was the worst thing compared to baby coming out!
Thats the Placenta!

I have to agree.. It was Horrifying! I almost 

After seeing it... That was not Fun!
Even i was like "WHAT THE F*** IS THAT"????!!!!

I think all Husband's should watch the video to really find out what the hell is happening to your women "down under"

So for that reason.
Im going to leave you with the Youtube Video!
That changed my life and My Husband's As well!! HAHAHAHAHA!

It's no easy peasy.. Push push, Baby out, DONE!

Yes there is the miracle jab "EPIDURAL"
But that too is risky business!
And i've heard from every single pregnant women out there that IT HURTS!
It's given in the spine which you can already imagine how painful and uncomfortable that would be!
Anything could wrong.. The doctor could hit a Blood Vessel or it could cause Paralyzation! 

The next thing is recovering from all the trauma and Stitches! 
Apparently it hurts when you have to
A Burning Sensation? I'll let you know in future if all thats true!
And you can get all kinds of Infections as well!



The list goes on.. 
Recovery time however is much faster compared to a C Section!
You get to exercise and do everything as per normal the day you feel up for it!
So losing weight is a lot faster!

There are two options for that!
C Section with Epidural.. which means you are awake throughout the birth process but paralyzed waist down!
C Section with GA..Which means they put you to sleep..
It really depends what situation you and your baby are in..

Oh boy.. it's like entering A 

They prep you.."THE MEAT" for a Slicing!

Here is the Youtube video i've been watching to Prep my Stomach!

Okay Im sorry.. Didn't mean to scare you..on a more serious note..

There are Advantages and Disadvantages to having a planned C Section!

Firstly, you get to pick the date you want Baby to be born! How cool is that?
Some of you may not agree, but i think its fantastic! It's all planned out!
Which i think is really good for couples who love to have everything planned out!

Not the best for those with Emergency C Section!

Secondly, NO LABOUR PAIN! 
Even better!

Thirdly, you save the Tearing and Ripping of Your 


Now... Disadvantages!

Recovery period is pretty long..And it defers with everyone..6-8 Weeks are the maximum..
Ladies with higher pain trash hole recover faster as compared to those with lower pain trash hole
Only after the 6-8 Weeks can you resume full exercising because of the Major Surgery! 

Another disadvantage is you dont get to hold Baby immediately because the Doc has to stitch your Abdomen up which usually takes about 30-45 minutes!
And also your hands are strapped out to the sides..
So its a little bit of a Bummer! 
But hey! After your're closed up! Your Baby is all yours to hold!

Im not so worried which procedure I'll have..
I Believe that the Man up there and so has Baby have already decided for me.. Which way she'll enter 

And im happy to go through with either..

And that's all i have so far.. 
I will do an Update for sure on My Real Birth & Labour Experience when..


NEXT POST: Pregnant Friendly Exercises & How I Stay In Shape!

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